#TMHistoryIcons – Reflections

Yesterday I joined a room full of other history teachers who had come from far and wide (including Romania!) for the first #TMHistoryIcons – A day long event focussed on sharing ideas around the teaching of the best subject on the timetable! While not a typical Teachmeet (and it’s becoming harder to say what one […]

5 quick lo / hi tech ideas for extending pedagogy – #TMHistoryIcons

I’ve come up to Chester to the first #TMHistoryIcons today, another variation on the Teachmeet theme. My presentation is on 5 quick low and high tech ideas for extending pedagogy here. I’ll embed the slides below, and the relevant links under that. Flipcharts! Have a look at Ian Dawson’s excellent Thinking History site for loads […]

Happy New Year – Have some resources!

It’s about time I was blogging again. I’ve been updating various bits of software here and there, and remembered that none of the links on the resources page were working. I’ve moved all the materials that were there over to Google Drive, and re-linked the files. There’s a variety of stuff there, much of it […]

Practical Pedagogies 15 – My session

Image credit: Pete Sanderson My workshop at the Conference was (slightly too grandly?) titled ‘Collaborating within and beyond the classroom in the cloud’. Despite that, a room full of people turned up. This blog post serves as a summary of what we talked about, and some links to resources / sites discussed. You can view […]

Forcing Frameworks or Rethinking Thinking?

Image Credit: Thinking… Please Wait, by Karola Riegler. CC Licensed on Flickr.   Following last week’s posts about Computational Thinking across the Curriculum both Glyn Rogers and Anthony Rhys raised some concerns about whether it was something we should be aiming for in schools. Glyn in particular expressed concerns that many subjects have their own […]

Computational Thinking and History – Part 2: The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website, Big Data and History

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I spent some time over the summer holidays completing the Google ‘Computational Thinking for Educators’ course. With the final deadline for the final project looming I spent some time this evening pulling together my notes and ideas into a final project plan. The idea is for a three lesson […]