Happy New Year!

So I unintentionally and fairly unexpectedly had a mostly analogue Christmas. Just kind of left the laptop where it was, didn’t really look at Twitter (much) and had a really great time with my family.

Now, with only a few days until we’re back to school I’m feeling… well, mostly overwhelmed actually.  I’ve done that thing two or three times where you look at something you need to do and your brain just goes

‘…… huh? what? that? no… no idea…’

So, I’m aiming for a few things I can easily achieve to try and overcome the large mental block.

Inbox is now zero, and is my feed reader. Tick.

This (rather than any of the intense, interesting, but only half written pieces) is my first blog post of the new year. Tick.

(Happy New Year by the way)

Tomorrow I shall take myself off the library and mark, but now I shall post this and flushed with success hopefully move on to one or two other things before I head to bed.

At least the panic that this feeling used to induce is now replaced with the sensation of meeting up with an old, if slightly annoying friend, and the comfort that I will be able to ping back into the pace of term, even if I may struggle to get into my trousers…



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