Teachmeet Bett presentation

I’ve been lucky enough to get a ticket for the TeachMeet at BETT on Friday, and I’ve put my name down for a 2 minutes presentation.

As we’ve been asked to provide materials in case we don’t get selected, I’m reserving this space now so I can pass the link on to the organisers. If I get drawn I’ll edit this to post either a video or a summary. If I don’t, I’ll add a brief summary of what I would have said.

You can keep an eye on events, including the link for the live stream, by searching for #tmbett2013 on Twitter.

It’s mid way through #tmbett2013 and I’ve just 2 minutes trying to encourage teachers to go for a ‘small parts loosely joined’ approach rather than looking for a single solution that offers everything they need.

There’s loads of great ideas floating around tonight, and in hindsight I think mine may have been a little out of step (check back tomorrow for the other thing maybe I should have spoken about…). It may have been taken as a rant against commercial products, and that wasn’t my intention. My point was simply that we should use the best tool for the job, just as we would in
our personal lives, be that Facebook, email, instgram, Dropbox etc etc.

If you’re a teacher, you should know that’s ok to head for that approach, and all the support you need is a tweet away.

If you’re a company, or a school elearning person, or an LEA PLEASE look at ways to make this as seamless as possible. We’re really lucky in Swansea to have a great team who’ve done some amazing work to get single sign on working, but even just using standard usernames or providing support and training can help make a big difference to teachers, who can go on and make a big difference to their students.

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