Why the learning revolution isn’t happening

Further to last nights rant, I’ve been pondering more on what’s going on with education at the moment. As this article shows, almost everything we know about how to get the best out of young people is systematically ignored by the school system. We’ve known this for a while and yet we (as a country) […]


It isn’t the technology. Please will you realise that? If it is the technology, our education system is about to start hemorrhaging money and people in a world that it stands no chance of keeping up with. It’s about the way we teach, and the system we create. It’s always been that, but now this […]

CPD on demand – Can you help build it?

In a couple of weeks we’ve got our Teaching and Learning inset day. This is usually a great day, with lots of teaching staff sharing their ideas in a host of websites. I want to continue to explore new ways of delivering inset on Moodle and other ICT use, so I’m going to be setting […]

WCYDWT? #3 Castles

In some ways the first two ideas I’ve blogged about since I tried to hijack WCYDWT for my own nefarious history type purposes haven’t quite lived up to Dan’s Standard. They’re both good ways into lessons, and they both do a good job of creating interest in something that may not be (for many students) […]

What I did with this: The World Turned Upside Down

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/stmiyeLsErw” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] Ingredients: The World Turned Upside by Billy Bragg (for example the Youtube version above) Lyrics to the above song 1 guitar and a rudimentary knowledge thereof (the chords E, B and A if you want to play it in the same key) Willingness to face down a class […]