Cross curricular serendipity

Image credit: Serendipity by Laura Dantonio. CC Licensed on Flickr. ***File this under ‘when I rule the world’ One of the problems in secondary schools is that it’s hard for teachers to know what’s going on in other departments. Without that knowledge, opportunities to link learning across subjects can be missed. It struck me that […]

Wot? No blog?

Despite signing up for the second 28daysofwriting month, March has been a bit of a bust. A combination of spending some more time with the family, generally feeling tired and trying to get a whole of work stuff sorted before the end of term has left me with little oomph for blogging. The month so […]

Reflecting on #28daysofwriting

Image credit: Reflection by Astrid Westvang. CC Licensed on Flickr. In the last 28 days I have added 25 new posts to this blog (including this one). In most cases, each took 28 minutes to write, proof read, grab an image for an post. By comparison, you’d have to go back to Dec 2012 to […]