#TMSwansea – 16.05.13

  It’s a fairly well known fact that I am now an TeachMeet addict, so following the success of TMSwansea two years ago, and in attempt to get another hit of TeachMeet goodness, my school has agreed to host another of the events, this time on the 16th May If you’ve never been to a […]

Interim report on Welsh history and Curriculum Cymreig

Back in October of last year I was honoured (and a little surprised) to be asked to be a member of a group established by Leighton Andrews tasked with reviewing the teaching of Welsh history, the story of Wales and the Curriculum Cymreig We were asked to consider three questions: Whether the Curriculum Cymreig should […]

#TLAB 13 – Rebooting my teaching: Stealing ideas from primary schools and shaking up my secondary classroom

On 16th March I was lucky enough to be the excellent Teaching, Learning and Assessment conference organised by Nick Dennis at Berkhamsted school. Much to my bemusement, not only was I asked to run a session, but several people actually came along! You can see the Prezi embedded below (or click here), but I thought […]