Revision rebooted

When I started teaching, some of the lessons I put the most time into were revision lessons. Cards, podcasts, notes, I wrote them all. While I’m aware that there a few places (particularly in the sixth form) that perhaps I still need to provide better quality revision notes, these days revision lessons are both far […]

…now attack it with scissors!

OK, so unlike the last one I didn’t *actually* say that, but I’m a sucker for a catchy title. Last time dear reader, you joined me as my year 12 students were hurling balls of paper across the room at each other all in the name of revision. I thought I’d finish the story of […]

…and now throw it across the classroom!

Quick twist on a old revision idea to share today. Yr 12 are prepping for their AS history exams in a couple of weeks and the key is both in selecting what areas to include in a question, and for potential A/B students getting the order and the links between the sections right. So student […]