Forcing Frameworks or Rethinking Thinking?

Image Credit: Thinking… Please Wait, by Karola Riegler. CC Licensed on Flickr.   Following last week’s posts about Computational Thinking across the Curriculum both Glyn Rogers and Anthony Rhys raised some concerns about whether it was something we should be aiming for in schools. Glyn in particular expressed concerns that many subjects have their own […]

Computational Thinking and History – Part 2: The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website, Big Data and History

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I spent some time over the summer holidays completing the Google ‘Computational Thinking for Educators’ course. With the final deadline for the final project looming I spent some time this evening pulling together my notes and ideas into a final project plan. The idea is for a three lesson […]

Computational Thinking and History (Part 1)

Over the summer I started Google’s ‘Computational Thinking for Educators‘ course. With the deadline for the final project submission looming, I’ve been reviewing what I wrote and putting the finishing touches to my final project, which I’ll post tomorrow. If you’re not sure what ‘Computational Thinking’ is, it’s a set of thinking tools to allow […]