Dusting off the blog, and setting myself a challenge

After half a term back in the classroom I’m going to have a go and resurrecting the blog. Half term week saw me finally catch up with all the blogs in my feedly account, and I’ve got a few things I’m keen to start writing about. So, knowing that the best laid plans of mice […]


Teachmeets have been a part of the ‘fringe’ of the Schools History Project (SHP) Conference for several years now, but this year I decided to try something a little different. Inspired in part by Ewan McIntosh’s account of the early Teachmeets and the rules that had been lost along the way (including the ‘No Powerpoint’ […]

#TMHistoryIcons – Reflections

Yesterday I joined a room full of other history teachers who had come from far and wide (including Romania!) for the first #TMHistoryIcons – A day long event focussed on sharing ideas around the teaching of the best subject on the timetable! While not a typical Teachmeet (and it’s becoming harder to say what one […]

5 quick lo / hi tech ideas for extending pedagogy – #TMHistoryIcons

I’ve come up to Chester to the first #TMHistoryIcons today, another variation on the Teachmeet theme. My presentation is on 5 quick low and high tech ideas for extending pedagogy here. I’ll embed the slides below, and the relevant links under that. Flipcharts! Have a look at Ian Dawson’s excellent Thinking History site for loads […]

Happy New Year – Have some resources!

It’s about time I was blogging again. I’ve been updating various bits of software here and there, and remembered that none of the links on the resources page were working. I’ve moved all the materials that were there over to Google Drive, and re-linked the files. There’s a variety of stuff there, much of it […]