T&L lunchtimes

Talking to some colleagues at school recently we were reflecting how there were less opportunities than there had been in the past to get together with colleagues from across the school and share ideas around teaching and learning. So, rather than cursing the darkness, I lit a candle! Having spoken to the Assistant Head we […]

Term one in review.

A few notes, as much for myself as anything else, about the various units from the last term. Year 7 The lessons introducing the ideas and concepts of History are pretty much sorted now, although I need to look again at the assessment task. I’d like to replace the one shot written test with some […]

Marking stickers

In our dept we’ve been looking at various ways of making peer and self assessment more meaningful and at the same time helping to speed up the time it takes us to mark students books at KS3. We’ve been experimenting with various forms of comment stickers, and I thought it would be useful to share […]