T&L lunchtimes

Talking to some colleagues at school recently we were reflecting how there were less opportunities than there had been in the past to get together with colleagues from across the school and share ideas around teaching and learning. So, rather than cursing the darkness, I lit a candle! Having spoken to the Assistant Head we […]

Moodle Training – sucesses so far

We’ve now done two out of our three training sessions on Moodle now, and the reaction has been very positive. Lots of people making the right noises, and lots already getting stuck in with some courses for next year. The sessions were a little different that how I thought they would be when I last […]

Pushing the VLE

We’re having a big push on the VLE during gain time. This involves: 1. I’ve set up courses for each department. As a basic they’ve got for each key stage they teach. In some cases we’ve done for one for each year group and where asked, we’ve done some for specific topics. They’ve all been […]