The best staff room in the world – #TMSwansea2015

Image credit: “staff room communication” from Gary Stager by Robin Hutton. CC Licensed via Flickr You can find this post again at   I’m off to do 2 minutes at a Swansea Teachmeet tonight about using Twitter and blogs as a global extended staffroom, so I thought I’d pull everything together here as a […]

Tweeting Historical Events

I watched with interest the twitter stream coming from @titanicrealtime– especially their use of hashtags to try and get a sense of the various perspectives of different people involved in the sailing and the accident. This follows the innovative use of Twitter by the National Archives using the cabinet papers to tweet as the UK cabinet during WW2 […]

“Tell me how, Dave” or ‘Some thoughts on a future National Curriculum for Wales’ (!)

I was lucky enough to attend the excellent and thought provoking “ICT for Education” conference on Friday, followed by another inspirational Teachmeet. The following day I was pondering a lot of what I’d seen and the following thought crossed my mind. When I logged on to Twitter tonight I couldn’t work out why this comment […]

Suggest a website

I’m in the process of putting two new blogs together for school to drip feed out teaching ideas, one a week. The first of these will be on using ICT (the first article will go live tomorrow and I’ll put a link in then),and the second will be on ‘SMART’ learning (come back on Thursday […]