Ten things #8 – No hands up

This is the eighth of the ‘ten things’ I discussed in my talk at TMClevedon — This was one I’d read about but wasn’t much taken with, until I saw the Classroom Experiment. And what I saw in those classrooms, with one or two students dominating, suddenly looked dangerously like my classroom. So, I’m going back […]

Ten things #4 – Make videos

The fourth idea I shared at my presentation from TMClevedon was to make videos.   It has never been easier to make videos and then get them online. I’m going to cover a few quick ideas. 1. Make videos of student work using something like Animoto as a way of showing off what students have produced […]

Ten things… #2 – Read blogs

Back in the old days (you know, before Twitter) I read blogs from teachers around the world to get ideas. I suspect this is the fault of Doug Belshaw who I ‘knew’ through the school history.co.uk teachers forum. He started blogging, I started reading. He blogged about other people, so I started reading their blogs […]

Reflection on TMClevedon

EDITED 12.30pm to add more links One more quick post before I try and get some sleep – because if I don’t get this written now I suspect it will join that great other pile of half written blog posts floating around various sticky notes and rattling around bits of my brain. TMClevedon was all […]